r o c o c o BRIDES Winner of Top Bridal Boutique Calgary 2019!!!!
Thank you to our amazing customers for choosing and voting us as the #1 choice in Bridal, we are completely honored and thankful for all the love
<3 <3 <3
r o c o c o BRIDES has won this prestigious award 3 years in a row … 2017, 2018 & now 2019 .
With continued dedication, hard work, superior customer service and lots of love for what we do and for all of our brides and customers, we say THANK YOU!!! <3
#3yearsontop #topchoice #topbridalboutique2019 #customerservice#markofexcellence #rococobrides #everyweddingisspecialintimateorgrand#thankful #honoured #bestcustomersever #bestbridesever #teamwork